The Funambulist #48: Fifty Shades of White(ness)
Leopold Lambert (Editor)
Published by The Funambulist
Printed by Alpha
Peaugres, France
20 x 25 cm, 80 pages, color, offset, glue bound, softcover
Beyond its tongue-in-cheek title, the general editorial argument is that if we are to consider whiteness at the global scale, we require a more complex understanding of it than the one constructed in opposition to white supremacy in the United States. As sated Léopold Lambert’s introduction, “The distinctions this issue intends to make is that we understand whiteness as fundamentally produced by two affirmations: first, we cannot approach race solely through a regime of visibility (i.e. what’s ‘visible’ to us) and second, race is a space-time (i.e. radicalizing processes always have to be understood contextually).