
WORKSHOP 01 • Card Game & Discussion: FAU0X SALON (Presented by Wasim Z. Alsindi from 0xSalon)



Card Game & Discussion: FAU0X SALON
Speaker: Wassim Z. Alsindi from 0xSalon
Saturday November 16, 2024, 15:0017:30

Art and theory collective 0xSalon presents an unpredictable experience, harnessing randomness to deliberately destabilise one of the most stilted conversational forms: the panel discussion. For the past few years, 0xSalon has been developing a bespoke discourse card game, FAU0X SALON, which facilitates bizarre conversations—veering wildly between the sublime and the ridiculous—that would otherwise be impossible. An expanded and updated version of the card deck has been re-engineered to act as a chaotic stochastic moderator, shifting agency away from human facilitators and placing faith in chance and dissonance.

Taking the form of a bespoke collection of theory-fiction inspired cards in the style of a tarot deck, FAU0X SALON allows participants to role-play the initiation and steering of post-disciplinary conversations from a variety of perspectives beyond their own opinions and beliefs. FAU0X SALON proposes itself as a narrative device for the hypothetical exploration of emergent consensus and dissensus, agreement and conflict, concerning both the sacred and the profane. By operating as an anticipatory mechanism for the simulation of possible scenarios, FAU0X SALON allows participants to think, feel, and act through strategies and solutions without the burden of connecting hypotheses to their lived realities and identities. We invite you to take a ride in our dissonance engine sometime.

Link to full video documentation:


Wassim Z. Alsindi

Wassim is the founder and creative director of the 0xSalon, which conducts experiments in post-disciplinary collective knowledge practices. A veteran of the timechain, Wassim specialises in conceptual design and philosophy of peer-to-peer systems, on which he writes, speaks, teaches, and consults. He has an editorial column at the MIT Computational Law Report, and he co-founded MIT’s Cryptoeconomic Systems journal and conference series. Wassim has curated arts festivals, led a sculptural engineering laboratory and published experimental music, satirical theatre, fiction, games, poetry, and speculative scripture.


The 0xSalon is a collaborative endeavour which critically interrogates digital culture through discourse events and residencies, producing scholarly and creative interventions in the process. We are conducting an ongoing, non-profit experiment in knowledge sharing and collective cultural production. Stewarded by 0xSalon team members, our community researches topics, organises events, and authors lore, theory, poetry, music, games, theatre, and visual art.